Catechist Resources

What do I need to do to become a Catechist?

Catechist Application:

All St. Patrick Catechists, Aides, Parent Mentors, Hospitality Team and all who are part of our Team need to complete the Faith Formation Team Sign-Up and be EIM Compliant. 

  •  Complete the Faith Formation Team Sign-Ups and you will be contacted via email about the process of becoming a Catechist here at St. Patrick. 
  • All Adults (over 18) must comply with Ethics and Integrity in Ministry Standards. Go to the    Austin Diocese Website to complete the application and find out dates for EIM training. 

What is a Catechist ?VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Calling for formal recognition of “those lay men and women who feel called by virtue of their baptism to cooperate in the work of catechesis,” Pope Francis has instituted the “ministry of catechist.”

“The Spirit is calling men and women to set out and encounter all those who are waiting to discover the beauty, goodness and truth of the Christian faith,” the pope wrote in “Antiquum Ministerium” (Ancient Ministry), his document released at the Vatican May 11.

A catechist is a person of faith called to hand on the living tradition and teachings of the Catholic Church. To be faithful to this sacred calling, a catechist studies church doctrine, develops appropriate teaching skills and nurtures his or her spiritual life and personal faith formation.

The qualities of a catechist include:

■ A strong awareness of the working of God’s grace in their lives and a growing faith life in response to that grace;
■ A personal commitment to Jesus Christ who is the center of the message;
■ A strong understanding of love for the Church, evidenced by a personal commitment;
■ A person who can nurture the development of Christian community;
■ An ability to appreciate different types and stages of individual growth and development;
■ An ability to communicate effectively with persons to be catechized;

   ▪A willingness to continue their own religious formation;

July 27th

  • 10-11:30am – On-line via zoom
  • 4:30-6:00pm – In Person - cancelled
  • 6:30-8:00pm – In Person - cancelled

or August 3rd

  • 10-11:30am – On-line via zoom
  • 4:30-6:00pm – In Person
  • 6:30-8:00pm – In Person

To Sign up for the class you can attend:

CATECHIST Nourishment & Inspiration!

Here are some other great websites to be filled by the Holy Spirit! Take some time for yourself! You will be glad you did!

Word on Fire - Bishop Barron
eCatechist - Ideas - Inspirations -Resources
Enrich your Faith - Handing on faith with Excellence
The Catholic Catechist 
Amazing Catechist

We are all Life-Long learners, especially when it comes to our faith! We are all on a journey. None of us knows it all. It is really important that Catechists continue to learn about their faith. Here are some links to programs that will help you achieve that:

Becoming a Certified Catechist

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Daily Liturgy Readings

Saint Website Info

Youtube Channel for St. Patrick
- great videos on lots of topics like: Sacraments, Liturgy, Make You think, Music, Prayer. Great Catholic on-line resources!

Liturgy Resources
see Document area - for Teaching Children Liturgy

Check out our 
Family Page for other ideas and resources

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