Councils and Committees

Pastoral Council

St. Patrick Pastoral Council is a consultative body to assist the pastor. It consists of the parish clergy (who are members as long as they are assigned to our St. Patrick parish) and lay persons who serve 3-year term and 2-year terms.  A youth representative will serve a 1-year term. St Patrick uses a discernment and appointment process to determine who will sit on the council. 


Permanent members (Clergy):

Rev. Paul-Michael Piega 

Term members (as of November 2024):

Isidoro Barrios

Blake Evans

Ron Felderhoff

Gabe Garansuay

Christy Decker 

Candelaria Diaz

Jose Diaz

Carissa Moses

Adriana Puente

Joshua Thias

Wayne Uebersax

Finance Council

The Finance Council assists the pastor with the financial condition of the parish. The pastor appoints members to this council. It provides budget guidance and fiduciary review. The chairperson will serve a total of three years whereas council members serve for two years. The current members of the Finance Council as of November 17, 2022 are:

Rev. Paul-Michael Piega

Dwayne Halbardier- Council Chair

Christine Arias

Scott Carter

Maria Ryan

Michelle Smith

Jim Valenzuela

Stewardship Committee

The Stewardship Committee exists to promote stewardship among the community through giving, praying, and serving in the parish and beyond.

Fr. Paul-Michael Piega

Vacant - Chair

If you are interested in serving on the Stewardship Council, please send an email to Father Piega at Thank you!

Building Comittee

Fr. Paul-Michael Piega

Mike Jamison - Staff Project Manager

Ross Yharte -Chairperson

Dcn. Bob van Til

Sarah Hoyt -Secretary

Tom Anker

Austin Bishop

Dwayne Halbardier

Ron Longo

Wayne Uebersax

Heather Gardner

Jack Gamboa

Landscape Committee

vacant - Chair

If you are interested in serving on the Landscaping Committee, please email Father Piega at Thank you. 

Liturgical Committee

Fr. Paul-Michael Piega

Deacon Bob Van Til

Deacon Ralph Poyo

Deacon Barry Ryan

​​​​​​​Chair - Vanessa Gonzalez

Candelaria Diaz

Harold Bludau

Luisa Lerma

Nancy Ramsey

Susan Poyo

Wayne Uebersax

Parish Vocation Team

Our committee meets once a month to help promote vocations to the priesthood, consecrated life and holy marriages at St. Patrick. Our mission is to increase vocations at St. Patrick. 

Team Members as of 2023

Rev. Paul-Michael Piega

Rene Onorato - Chair

Marisol Frausto

Candelaria Diaz

Meet the Council
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