Spark Your Spirit!

Spark Your Spirit is our Stewardship Initiative to get you to reflect on your life and find out "What is your why?" Below you will find a Gifts and Charism assessment to help you in your journey of Giving, Praying and Serving.




How to get started?

#SPARKyourSPIRIT is an initiative to get you to reflect on your life and evaluate if there is a new way you can live. Can you get closer to God this year through your Giving, Praying and Service?


Are looking to ignite your spiritual life by sharing your gifts? Have you taken a gifts assessment yet? Please download the document below, fill it out and bring it to St. Patrick. You can send it by mail, drop it in the offertory or at the front desk. Once received, a Ministry Ambassador will reach out to you!

Discernment Prayer

Lord, I stand in awe of the many gifts you have given me. I want to use them to serve you. Please guide and direct me in the discovery of my gifts. Help me find a place of joyful service that brings honor and glory to You. God our Father, in Baptism, You called me by name as I begin this journey to discern Your will for my life; help me to respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Charisms Assessment

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