discovering the foundations of our faith
Discipleship U - Diving Deeper into our Faith together
Do you want to dive deeper into your faith this year? We invite you to attend one of our classes through Discipleship U. Throughout the year we will offer various courses in Scripture, Spirituality, Liturgy, Catechism, and Social Justice. Discover the foundations of your faith at Discipleship U! Sign up through Flocknote to keep up with all our offerings this year.
A dive into the Gospel of Mark
With Andy Blila
During this liturgical year, the Gospel readings come from the lion, St. Mark. For this session of Discipleship U, Theologian Andy Blila would like to invite you to join him on a spiritual journey through the Gospel according to Mark. In this Bible study we will walk with St. Mark to read, discuss, and pray with the themes of faith in the narrative, the “way’ of the LORD, discipleship, the rending of the barriers between Heaven and Earth, and much more! Reflecting on this incredibly rich account of our LORD will be exciting, spiritually rewarding , and will help us accomplish the mission of our parish. This 8 session study of the Gospel will take place on Monday evenings starting on September 23 at 7PM. We hope to see you there!