Family Faith Resources


Registration for 2022-2023 is online! 

Welcome to FIDES - our Family Faith Formation Program. 

Parents, we are honored to partner with you and your family as you continue your journey to heaven!

Remember, YOU ARE LOVED! When you receive this love from God, you will overflow the love to others.

  • Attend weekly mass - or during this COVID-19 quarantine, watch it together as it is live-streamed (check out our Sunday Home Church page), pray together at meals and in the morning and evening!
  • Say the rosary together (even if it is only a decade at a time).
  • Do something nice for others!

See additional ideas below!

Faith at Home!

The hope of the Faith Formation Program at St. Patrick is to give you places you can learn more about your faith – so that you can share it with your family.

21 Faith Starter Conversations

A month of Dinner Conversations - Are you bored at home? this Website has some great family faith ideas and activities- easy to follow!

Holy Heroes

Parents are the most influential agents of catechesis for their children. They have a unique responsibility for the education of their children; they are their first educators, or catechists. (National Directory of Catechesis 234)

…to love the Lord your God and to serve Him with all your heart and all your soul, Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.

Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. – Deuteronomy 11:13,18-19

 “Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children. They bear witness to this responsibility first by creating a home where tenderness, forgiveness, respect, fidelity, and disinterested services are the rule.” –  Catechism: #2223

Helpful Links for Liturgy:

Liturgy 101 for Children and families- (Why do we go to mass on Sundays? Why do we do all those same prayers? Why do we kneel, sit and stand? and other great questions about mass!)


 But ultimately FINDING JOY in going to MASS! Take the 8 week Challenge!

Understanding the Readings: (Liturgy of the Word)

Mark Hart gives a short overview of the readings for this coming Sunday’s readings (usually 3 minutes or less) – good for the whole family!

Link to Mark Hart’s You Tube Channel for Beyond Words – Mark Hart

25 ways to Prepare your children for mass each week

Sunday Mass Prep (video) Holy Heroes

Materials for children - when you cannot attend mass


Bible 101

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Website - Bible and liturgical readings

Bible Gateway - a Website to look up scriptures in all translations.

The Thread - Youtube intro video on what the Bible is all about - great for families! (2 min)

How to Read the Bible - Fr. Mike Schmidt - 8 minute video on Youtube


Praying as a Family

Here is a great site that has lots of short - easy to do articles about Praying as a family - The Website is Loyola Press and is one of my favorite websites for families (and Catechists!)

Praying as a Family

Great website to find activities and articles for Catholic Families - Teaching Catholic Kids

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