Connections Committee

Communicate with other Ministries


A committee designed to communicate with other ministries to aid and facilitate in completing task that do not fall under any particular ministry duty description. Also help in areas such as feeding visiting priest or helping to make them welcome.


Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus Council 12927 is actively working within St Patrick Parish.

Our goal is to work and serve in the light of God, while improving ourselves as Catholic men.

Our Council began in 2001, about one year after the establishment of our parish.

For information about the Knights of Columbus in Texas, use the links to the right:

Are you EIM compliant?

It is required to have current Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM) training if you are involved in a ministry. To check if you are compliant

Click HERE

Contact Us

Connections Committee Lead


Knights of Columbus Links

Calendar Knights of Columbus Texas KoC Supreme

Contact Us

Knights of Columbus Contact



Knights Meeting

Saturday, October 1, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Dining area (Classrooms A-C)

Breakfast Served! Rosary at 7:30 am

Knights Meeting

Saturday, November 5, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Dining area (Classrooms A-C)

Breakfast Served! Rosary at 7:30 am

Knights Meeting

Saturday, December 3, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Dining area (Classrooms A-C)

Breakfast Served! Rosary at 7:30 am

Knights Meeting

Saturday, January 7, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Dining area (Classrooms A-C)

Breakfast Served! Rosary at 7:30 am

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