Liturgical Ministries

Click the picture above to download a PDF copy of this Liturgical Calendar.

The Liturgical Ministries are those directly involved in celebrating the Mass and other special services in the church, or who design, decorate, and maintain the space where these take place.

For information about the liturgical ministries, please use the navigation on the left to obtain the information on the ministry of interest.

Are you EIM compliant?

It is required to have current Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM) training if you are involved in a ministry. To check if you are compliant

Click HERE

Altar Servers

Altar servers are Christ like boys and girls who assist the celebrant and worshiping community in the celebration of the Liturgy of the Mass, special Liturgies and celebrations, and the celebration of the sacraments.

For information about our Altar Server ministry, please
contact Wayne or Tina Uebersax. We use a Google group for communication right now, but will eventually migrate to using Flocknote. 

Art and Environment

What we do 
Decorate the church according to the season

Who can participate?

How do I get involved?
Call the office


Counts the collections from each Mass, fill out report for the bookkeeper and make the deposits for all money received at the church each week.



Ministry Lead

Extraordinary Ministers

For information regarding eucharistic ministers, please contact Nancy Ramsey



Ministry Lead


Do you like to tell stories? Do you love to read the Word of God? Have you considered sharing the Word with others?

Proclaim the Word of God at Mass. Help others to come to know Jesus through His Word. For more information, contact us.




Lector Schedules

Saturday 5:00 pm, Sunday 10:00 am, Holy Days of Obligation, Special Feast Days and Vigil Masses will have a First Reading and a Second Reading Lector. Please check the schedule to determine if you are 

Lector-1 or Lector-2.

The schedule is emailed to all Lectors, generally two months at a time, and posted in the Sacristy.
Check to see when you are scheduled. If you are unable to Lector as scheduled, please
contact another Lector to arrange for a substitute or contact the Lector Coordinator.Order Lector Workbooks Here


Linen Care

The purpose of the St. Patrick's Linen Care Ministry is to launder the linens on a weekly basis.

The linens from the Mass are special; don't treat them like normal laundry. Once the wine and bread is consecrated during the Eucharistic Prayer, it becomes the body and blood of Jesus Christ and must be treated with respect. We must ensure that the body and blood are not washed into the sewer, it must be returned to the ground. 

contact Krisann Hadenfeldt if you are interested in this ministry.


Sacristans set up the altar and ensure things are ready for the mass. Any last minute items the priest may need help with before and after mass.

We also set up for special occasions such as baptisms, funerals, weddings and Quinceañeras.



Ministry Lead

Ushers/Greeters Ministry

Live out the St. Patrick promise as the face of the parish at Mass. Help visitors and parishioners feel welcome and a part of the St. Patrick Family.



Ministry Lead

Music Ministry

Instrumentalists and vocalists Needed

For more information about joining the choir, please contact Donovan Moses

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