It also involves ongoing participation in the regular parish Religious Education program provided for all families and children.
In addition, there are specific activities in preparation for each sacrament including work at home and in the parish. Parental involvement is essential including two parent/child workshops.
Your child must already be baptized to participate in this sacramental formation; therefore, a Baptismal certificate is required at registration.
Also, the student must attend 2 consecutive years of Faith Formation Classes before they may receive the sacraments - that means First Grade and Second Grade Faith Formation Classes.
2nd Year Sacrament Preparation - Important Sacramental Dates:
Dates for 2023 will be
1st Reconciliations - at all posted Reconciliation times during Advent
1st Eucharist - The first two weekends of May at all masses. Families will be able to sign up in early 2023.
All parents are given resources to support preparation of the sacraments in the home during the 1st and 2nd year.
More information for preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation
SACRAMENT Preparation for OLDER CHILDREN - 3rd grade and up!