Adult Bible Study

Sunday 11:30am-1PM

We currently meet via Zoom on Sundays after the 10AM Mass during the school year. When things are "back to normal", we will begin meeting at the church again. This is very social group with lunch always on the agenda! (We do not have a formal Bible study during the summer.)

We subscribe to the "Six Weeks with the Bible" series. This series is recommended by the Diocese of Austin. It includes large group discussion and small group break out sessions. 

Please look in the bulletin for the next scheduled Bible study series and come and grow with us, and join the Flocknote group to get notifications and Zoom links.

We encourage you to listen & subscribe to Bishop Barron's Sunday sermons (or scroll down to view this week's video below). He explains so much & gives advice on how to live out God's word in our daily lives. 

For additional information please contact Sue Misiti at

Deacon Bob van Til also runs the "R-Series Bible Study" on the 2nd Saturday of the months that contain the letter R in the name. Find out more here:

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Adult Bible Study Coordinator

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